The New HUE-MANA~lignment

This first light code began coming forward back in May, however I felt it was not quiet the time for it.  So I waited and it presented again for completion.

Much is happening in this Now!  Energies are flowing now in patterns that I want to say are really specific for each individual.  Not to take away that it is also for the whole, but there is a sort of fine-tuning going on that I have no words for!!!

We are being aligned with our soul essence in our physical bodies.  This process is so much within yet there is a force, a presence that we can feel that flows through and ignites this alignment.  

As the Whole has anchored in the New Timeline, the New Earth, we truly begin to fully embody the New HUE-MANA~lignment.  This is what we came here to do and we have arrived!  The physical body is beginning that expression process and we will feel it as we embrace self, within our true authenticity. 

In feeling into this code it expresses Alpha & Omega as New Symbols.  These symbols each contain within them the Masculine (solid line) and the Feminine (textured line).  There is no separation as they are One, yet in a form, like our Human bodies that allows us to identify as gender specific physical beings. So ultimately it is The Alpha Omega, DiVINE FemiNINE MascuLINE there is no in between as this is the Wholeness and Oneness United within our BE-ing!

The New Mana Symbol; the physical being, the human being, human kind, the physical expression of our Earth Mother and Organic Elementals in a physical form; the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in One vessel, the god, goddess in form, blessed by the Creator as our roles of in-service for the highest good of all that is manifests. 

New Alignment……… our journey truly begins!

Weaving in a previous light code (2nd one) as well which carries the same title and was a part of another Series called Starman!  Everything is connected!

Love, Love, Love!

Starman3 – New HueMANAlignment

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