For details on Light Language please see page reference About Light Language. This page will give you more details on what Light Language is about in the form of LIGHT CODES represented by visual image (photograph/art) with sacred geometry overlay.
The Personal Light Code (and Collective contribution) is a tool for you to utilize as part of your ascension process and individual growth. You can connect into it through meditation, use as a screen saver, framed art, however you want to use it in your personal growth and expansion. You will receive a digital file of the Light Code. The size of the file varies as these are image/jpg files from various photographers around the world that I overlay with Sacred Geometry. The image, the Sacred Geometry and colors all create the light code. These are not vector graphic files like you may receive as logos, etc. and are not to be used as personal signatures or business logos. If printing or creating framed art, always print based on the original ratio of width and height without distorting the image.
The minimum monetary exchange for this service is $198 US dollars.
This Personal Light Code will be brought forth based on energy exchange from our previous One on One session and can take up to one week for me to complete.
Once the Light Code has been completed I will send it to you via email. If you wish to purchase the personal light code at the same time as the one on one session you can make one payment for the total amount of $388 US dollars.
I maintain all rights to the use of the personal Light Code, however you are granted access to it through digital file for your spiritual awakening journey to be used through your own personal processes in your ascension journey. This Light Code is not to be used by you or any other for monetary gain in any way, shape or form.
The light code that I create as personal for you also is a collective contribution you have made, which is why I maintain all rights to it. This is the guidance that I have been given and will honor. If you choose to receive a personal light code you have contributed to the whole in this creation process. These codes whether personal or not are multidimensional and can and will work with anyone who is drawn to them.
If you are looking for coding through imagery to provide an energy signature for your business or exchange services, which may create further alignments on your path, please contact me for further discussion. This is not a personal light code, but a type of signature code that may enhance business practices.
If you have any questions around this please feel free to contact me.