Fire ∞ Purify ∞ SUN
Fire ∞ Light ∞ Water
Purify ∞ Rise-Up ∞ LOVE
Rebirth ∞ Heaven ∞ Earth
Your time is NOW to become all that you ARE
In Physical form You Will MASTER this JOURNEY
Back into the ONENESS of all that is LOVE
White and Red/Orange Light becomes the SUN
The Life of this Planet restored as ONE
The Light, The Rays, The Circles, The Triangles
The Spheres of alignment connect at ZERO POINT
Through the WATER LOVE is Ignited
Christ Consciousness Anointed
These images and Light Codes carry the 333 Numerical Code ∞ Enjoy!
Note: These beautiful images are by others whom I am so grateful are available for me to utilize. I am always guided to an image usually a week or weeks before the code comes through. The Light Code overlays come through as an amplification and anchor of the energies represented. Both the image and Light Code become ONE. In gratitude I am for the wonderful artist and photographers!