LOVE Through Source Light
Hello Beautiful Beings of Light! I had something come up and feels like a creation of Alchemy in action (physicality)! Light Codes with a twist you might say!!!
I was having a conversation with a friend who was experiencing rough patches (as I was too and I’m sure many can relate) in this sort of, what I feel to be the last major phase of the old energies (fear) joy riding through our being on their last hoo-rah! I was telling my friend about working with the Tetrahedron and she said, “can you draw me a picture to see if it may be something she can work with!” And of course my antenna went up with the excitement and desire to bring through something NEW. I said yes, I think a will have a few of them for you!
Once completed I felt that these may be helpful for others as well! You can create your own meditations around these or simply just feel into them and breath them in! This may amplify/heighten your consciousness and embodiment of the incoming energies allowing for more ease with the clearing and purification process as well a more neutral, balanced and blissful sense of being.
Titles are LOVE and SWORD of TRUTH through SOURCE LIGHT.
Tetrahedrons are symbol codes for energy currents to flow. I use them in Grid Work and have become more aware of how powerful they can be and apparently it is one of my areas of expertise that is beginning to reveal more and more, which is so exciting!
Here is a little insight for your meditation or simply use whatever comes to you:
Love – The No. 8 Expresses in this Light Code
Image yourself in the Tetrahedron with Source Light pouring through you and you expressing out and down through the Earth, in the presence of Gaia Sophia.
You are utilizing your 3rdEye (see symbol expressed through tetrahedrons, right beside the water symbol) visioning through the eye of God.
You are utilizing the Earth Elementals, Water, Fire, Earth & Air (+Oxygene+) in their renewed organic form as you are renewing your organic form.
You are spiraling the Energy in many different planes and dimensions!
You are unifying the masculine and feminine within, spinning it into balance and harmony.
You are renewing your connection with Source Light through Sun Gold – Oneness
You are infinite and immortal, where there is no time and space.
Your heart holds the key!
Sword of Truth – The No. 13 Expresses in this Light Code
You are the Sword of Truth within the Triangle – Tetrahedron!
This sword cuts through all that is no longer of service!
It is a weapon of Truth that cuts deep into the illusion of the experiences you have created with your free will and those that have canceled out your free will.
It is not a weapon of destruction, but a weapon of grace and deliverance, which links the 3rdEye and The Heart!
The Sword of Truth is illuminated with Source Light!
The Air Elemental is breathing new life into your being with the Oxygene Element that flows through it!
You are reborn into the Rainbow Light Body that you have always been!
With Source Light as your Witness you are ONE again!