Star Treskele ~ Nature Spirits Portal | Druid Shaman
Those who have been part of our ground team felt they needed similar support within the land as in Mt. Shasta (previous post). This too was related to fungus with deep embedded energies into the earth crusts that were of darkness. It felt like spells upon the land!
Our physical team gathered online via zoom and a call out again to the nature spirits, fairy kingdom, White Elk, dragons, galactics and others to support the transformation process. This covered Europe this time! It was an extension of old dark energy through the lands possibly originating in Malta. We brought Light Codes in (New and previous ones that had been created) and through these opened up at least 4 portals to allow these beings to support these efforts with their mighty organic technology and beautiful frequencies combined with ours. We reunite all beings (humans, lands, oceans, elementals, galactics, and beyond) to do this amazing exchange. It becomes easier and easier every time and the sense of closure becomes ever so present as the past as we perceive it had divided life forces amongst the many, but the present reunites as ONE, healing through repair!