Christy’s gifts with light language and light codes are just so deep and rare, so powerful in ways that are hard to describe. Just magical. I’m so happy she has embraced these gifts and is sharing them with the world, where we are experiencing such a monumental shift in consciousness. Thank you Christy for your love, dedication and contribution to higher frequencies of experience through your work!
Shawna L. Frances, Author “I Am The Beacon” and “Archangels, Aliens, & Prophecies The Cosmic Unveiling of A New Earth”
Christy Wallace is a gifted spiritual Being and way-shower of many at this time of epic planetary transition, known as ascension. Her connection to Source, via the ancient language of light , serve as awakening codes for our DNA, divine natural attributes. Regular meditations with these codes create an elevated personal vibrational frequency in harmony with that of Mother Earth, as she makes her own ascension with you on board! I highly recommend Christy’s work and dedicated contribution in service to humanity.
Lori Tierney, Author “ Cougar Yoga” and “Soul Sketch Tarot”
Christy’s light codes captivate me! It’s fascinating to experience each and every one of these images because I FEEL the frequencies and downloads taking place. The detail, concepts, and heart that were channeled and imprinted into the ones for my own personal use were absolutely synchronistic for my life journey. Months have gone by and I still find benefit in meditating with them. Thank you Christy for sharing your talents and gifts with the world!
Lesley Almer, Holistic Bodyworker