I had a past life regression about 1.5 years ago. I didn’t know what it meant at the time however it was very emotional and humbling in revealing how we have created these illusions within space and time as a part of this experiment to experience such contrasts to light and love.
My regression was not through QHHT, yet the facilitator acknowledged that the life that comes through will be one in which will guide me in some way or form. Well 1.5 years later it certainly did.
In this regression I had a beautiful creature join me and guide me to the locations to see the experience of this particular life. This was a beautiful black jaguar guiding me. At the time I thought it was a panther but as I began healing the fragments of this experience through discovery it came through loud and clear that the beautiful creature was indeed a black jaguar.
In the experience I was a young woman in a village town surrounded by many other villages. I was able to see the future through visions and I could see that darkness was coming in a horrific way. I worked with the elementals, fairy kingdom, dragons and other mystical creatures through a portal within a body of water. I felt I had to alert the people of the villages of what was coming to counter such tragedy and in doing this the dark ones caught wind of my effort and did some pretty horrific things to myself, those close to me and the beings supporting me as well the village people throughout the area as they took over and brought such deep darkness throughout the land.
I didn’t know where this projected experience occurred until recently as I met an amazing being named Sabrina who lives in the country where this occurred. This time and space was 14th– 15thCentury in Brazil, the area known today as The State of Ceará. Sabrina and I had connected a few months back. She was guided to provide information to me on particular cities in this state in Brazil. As soon as she did that the pieces started falling into place as my intuition and guidance kicked in and I knew there was much healing that this energy work we were about to begin could bring forth to many.
I felt this to be another of the Tetra – Portals/Nodes type of Grid Work, as there was an alignment to three cities and three waterways (rivers) through these cities. I immediately could see as I studied the map the detriment of this state through the land and the damming (Lots of Dams in Brazil) of so many waterways, cutting the life off as a self fulfilling prophecy of those who are still in service to self as those long ago also were. Water as you know is life force, it runs through the planet and through our bodies and creates an energy in ways we have yet to recognize at this time. Rivers always want to flow into the ocean like light flows through our body into the universe, and restricting (damming) creates imbalance in the ecological systems (elemental body). This revealing for me was that there is much density in that area that needed release within what had been created and stored in the 3D grid. This 3D grid/matrix is often what holds us in place, becomes a burdened in our physicality as we hold on to that density that we created out of guilt, shame, anger, horror, etc. not realizing we do have the tools to release it.
Over about a 3 – 5 day period the two of us were communicating and I began creating imagery and light codes as they came in to anchor the work that we were doing. This focused on opening portals for clearing allowing the natural flow and existence of water once again. Releasing the fear, pain, trauma and horror that were created there in our journey and within our bodies as well all others who had this experience. We of course were co-creating this reconciliation with other beings of light and you may have also participated as part of this healing and releasing of the portion of the 3D Grid that was held in physicality.
Sacred Geometry, Cardinal Directions, Elementals, Light Code (Reconcile) and Light Language were all a part of this anchoring in and dissolution and reconciliation of miscreation of that 3D Grid, Matrix.
Sabrina mentioned to me afterward that throughout the night she felt us continue the work and she heard me keep saying tangled. We have projected so many lifetimes and entangled ourselves in the opposite of love to experience this earth school and to fully understand that love is who we are, all that we are and all the rest must fall away as we come home to Oneness!
Note: The Light Code (Reconcile) can also be used in healing other fragmentation of our being through space and time, not just at this one location mentioned above. The Prism of Source Light is our connection into all that is. The physical imagery of Light Codes anchors them into Earth and our Physicality! Allow yourself to feel into this code!
Peace, Love & Light to All!!!!