The 5th Elemental ∞ Alchemy ∞ Organic Again

OXYGENE – The Alchemy of Oxygen within our Elemental Body, Aligning with Gaia’s Elemental Body. ∞ PURE ORGANIC ∞

I hope all are experiencing these fantastic energies in the most beautiful ways!  I wanted to share another Code I feel it is an important one and connected to the other 3 (series) postings I have shared.    I am researching and receiving interesting information as the Light Codes come through! It is even taking me back to some previous channeled messages I had last year from Higher Self on our connection to Water and The Importance of the Breath!

I am calling out this code as an Alchemy Code/Symbol.  I feel that the Alchemy Symbol, Light Code and/or Sacred Geometry (writing/drawing) and Light Language transmission (sound) are all One in a sense as they are energy of creation in its purist form!  As the Alchemist, we are able to Alchemize within our physicality these codes/transmissions, which are of course energetic and are going through space and time, which is how we create Heaven on Earth.

This Code is another one from the past I was guided to Re-Create!  It is called OXYGENE, so I feel to give it an Alchemical categorization.  I was introduced to this symbol as the 5thElemental (Earth, Water, Air, Fire – 4).  This element is the life substance of all four elements including Humanities Elemental Body.

It is through the breath you come into your organic elemental body, which allows you to become centered again within your heart (balance of electrical & magnetic). The 5thElemental of OXYGEN(E) is a component of all four elements as it is the Oxygen that Sparks the FIRE, that Balances the AIR, that Preserves the EARTH and that Moves the WATERS. It is the Oxygen that opens the heart to experience that which is beyond your imagination.

Oxygen as an element carries the Atomic No. 8 (O) with 8 protons in the nucleus of an atom.  It has 8 Neutrons and 8 Electrons therefore you can see it as the 888 coding.   This coding I feel to be a reversal of the In-Organic system that was imposed upon humanity and is no longer.  

We now are entering back into our Organic State as are the Elements and Elementals of Gaia.  Our Elemental Bodies are aligning with hers!

Going with the flow my friends, let me know what you feel!  You can certainly also really relate this to the imposing of masks upon humanity, hindering the breath!

In Gratitude I am for all that is!  LoveLight my friends and family!  Enjoy!

Note: See below Light Codes New Beginnings, Golden Consciousness and Opening Portal to Bring in The Support of The Energies of The Elementals. This Alchemical Symbol/Code is an important part of these Series.

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