Triumph Over The 6 Pillars of Man
I was feeling a big shift when this code came through and it all made sense as the name of the code confirmed rather quickly!
“Triumph Over The 6 Pillars of Man”: I say Whoahhhh to that!!!! And So It Is!! The 6 pillars as you probably already know and I would categorize as systems or structures are: Financial, Judicial, Government/Media, Religion, Medical/Pharma and Education.
I am drawn to ancient architecture lately to be the foundation for some of the Light Codes coming through, as these sites and structures hold very high frequencies and vibrations and are in part still standing to remind us of who we are, the reminders we so carefully and beautifully orchestrated. This particular structure is the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. I’ll show you a close up image as well of the being in the chariot led by 4 horses. That image in and of itself has tremendous energy as the symbol and part of this code is again the Omega symbol that I have created (also created the Alpha not shown here) to take the place of the old Greek symbols of reversal nature, which in my opinion gave energy to the duality and separation as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine NOW Reinstated as DiVINE FemiNINE MascuLINE (ONE).
We in our many sojourns here on Earth created these pillars to experience duality, separation and truly everything that was not of LOVE. This was our experience to have and to grow and to master so that we could come back to our True Authentic Self.
The pillars connect into the Earth Mother and as we Triumph over man’s creation a bridge is formed that allows the Chariot (Sun – Life Force), Angel (Divine Feminine), The Staff (connects heaven to earth), and the Horses (holding space for humanity) create the path for this New Earth Paradigm, which is all of LOVE and LOVE’s Creations.
Are you feeling your consciousness rise? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!