Golden Seed of Consciousness Ignites
More Light Codes presenting for anchoring into Earths crystalline grid. The New Earth unlocks while the alchemy of Golden Liquid Light of Creation pours through the portals assigned by many to be opened; those with specific knowing and signatures. In a group gathering we held space and transmitted coding as we worked with our galactic brothers and sistars in the alchemy and essence of this golden liquid light.
We could feel much releasing as our bodies were responding, some with resistance and some with flow. In the end it will all release it is simply the allowance once we experience through dreams, emotions, feelings or knowing that this energy is clearing us for the next phase of our journey.
This alchemy of energy has been held back for eons, but now it has arrived for all to receive. We now unite in Oneness of Creation and the illusion that has been held in place now falls away and justice through freedom becomes the song of the day.
You can catch the group gathering and experience it for yourself. See the Youtube page link on the main page.