Embody The New Frequencies – Your Star Power has Arrived

A Star A Star You Are

These Light Codes….lets say have a new sound to them!

In bringing through the first one I was guided to create it as a personal light code for a friend. This was the 9th personal light code I have been guided to bring through so there is definitely something playing out here.

All personal light codes are also human collective light codes and they are all anchored into the Earth through the Crystalline Grid. These codes are a reminder of our genetic imprint throughout our life times as they activate your cellular structure and DNA to bring forward that which has been forgotten. Oh Yes, A Star, A Star You Are ~ INDEED!

The second one came through right before being synchronistically guided to participate in a major healing meditation with a group of 85 beings + those unseen of course! The meditation was about healing the trauma and forgiving those who inflicted it from the life time as a Cathar in France. In this meditation the focus was also to retrieve that hidden knowledge of that lifetime in whatever form it presented itself. It was during that meditation I realized this light code series was connected and divinely orchestrated to be anchored.

I have also included a beautiful art piece my friend Lori presented to me after our group gathering of anchoring the light codes as it was infused as well and all codes merge. If you are interested in receiving further activation go to the Youtube link above for the group gathering on 12.12.21. If you are interested in participating in the gatherings just send me and email.

Love, Love, Love and Gratitude I AM!

~ Diamond Golden Heart Light ~ Healing Trauma and Unifying your being through the 3 Pillars and the Diamond Golden Heart Light. This Code carries the No. 9, 8, 7…5 and the code above adds the 6 to connect them as One
This is Melchizedek ~ During the 12.12.21 group gathering and exchange (see Youtube page above) I facilitated to anchor the light codes above and seal the energy with Light Language Transmission my good friend Lori drew this image as it was infused with the light codes. It is part of the Soulsketchtarot deck. Lori’s website is https://loritierney.org

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