Part 2 of Heaven On Earth Series: 888 ~ 13


LC-2:  Peace ∞ Unity ∞ Harmony | H~EART~H | 888 ∞ 13

~ The Hearth is symbolic of Ones’ Home and this word presented within this code ~

The symbol of the peace sign upright is it’s non-distorted position. The sacred symbol carries much more energy than just that of peace (which is significant of course within itself). Within this Light Code there is also the energy of Unity and Harmony as these words build a bridge in One’s Heart – Hearth.

~ HOME is where the HEART is – The bridge of your INNER BEING ~

Tetrahedron Streaming ∞ Triad over Earth is the All encompassing Source Light, Sun – Gold, Masculine – Iron, Feminine – Copper Unifying through Alchemy of the Soul rising through the Physicality ~ Venus and Mars together as One

Earth Elementals and the four cardinal directions merge the OXYGENE, the 5thElemental, the Plasmatic, Magnetic Energy is merging back into the Organic Form in the physical Earth and Human body

~ Light Bodies Ignite ~

LC-3:  Calling Home ∞ 13 Octave

Heaven on Earth, we have arrived with the Golden Light of Clear Vision, Vision of the Heart ∞ Mind flowing through the the center point, the zero point, The Eye of God within our being!

What do you see, feel, experience?  Feel free to share!  Enjoy! Love, Love Love!

Note: These are LC-2 & LC-3 of the 4 Series for Heart Activations!


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