Knowledge & Wisdom Remembered (Photograph by Terry Asker)
The beginning of a series in which I will spread out giving each their own blog (See the next two Light Codes as well for complete series, total of 3 plus the one below). The 6 petal Flower of the Flower of life wanted to hold space in each of these codes. Very symbolic to me as the day I gathered with others with these light codes to anchor, heal and create new pathways to our inner wisdom and at the same time/day there was a crop circle in the UK that reflected the same pattern with the missing center in which this light code and the next two complete within the Light Codes! It was as if I was completing a sentence for someone that I am so fully connected with. Not yet aware of the being but definitely aware of the energy. All will present in the perfect timing!
A coded connection, on path, on mission and with so much love in my heart as this journey begins to further reveal that journey home in the full context of LOVE!