Mar’s Repair – The 7 Seals to Peace

Mars Repair 736

After a series of large crystal re-activation and re-connection within the Oceans and the Lands upon Earth as well as major clearing of the Magnetic field from the extreme distortions caused by in-organic technologies we received insight to go beyond the planet.

The crystals had to be reactivated, reconnected first to then align with Crystals on Mars and Venus. Crystals hold the knowledge and the codes as we do to create this chain reaction that expands the Ascension process and everything is connected. We affect the solar system, galaxies, universes!

Mars had also been suppressed in frequencies, much like Earth due to in-organic technologies all created for control over as well systems in place there for holding beings in enslavement. The process we held space and intention for all supported by The Galactics, and higher dimensional beings (our multidimensional selves and beyond) that had directive as we did on Earth from Source Light! It is Time!

Change is happening and the Universe is smiling! We are remembering why we came here!

The light code carries the frequency for healing within and without, past, present and future! Earth, Mars and Venus Reunite! Emerald Healing, Emerald Twin…Re-Connect! The Seven Seals to Peace!

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