Message Received on Timeline ∞ cw ∞

Timelines are in flux right now!  We have tremendous opportunity to select the best timeline for the collective as we all join hearts and minds.  There is a build-up right now of the ground crew working together in Oneness to create this.  Saturday, April 4/5, 2020 (depending on which hemisphere you are in) as mass meditations are held around the world and the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto occur. This is when this Timeline alignment can be easily created, that is, the Timeline that creates the perfect storm for humanity to expand consciousness in a way that will align with 5thdimensional ways of being.  This is something the Ancient Egyptians were well aware (this planet conjunction, which only occurs every 12 years, this year, 2020 it happens 3 times) of and utilized the power of the Giza Pyramids, their connection to Earth and Sky (using Pyramids like a generator), to illuminate their abilities and connections with their galactic counterparts and align timelines.  

There is much focus on healing the pandemic which is great but that is only a small portion of what you can accomplish, we are talking about a level of mass awakenings where there is no going back to the 3rddimensional ways of being.  This is about the Timeline of Freedom and Liberation that is here for the taking! The winds of change are NOW Dear Ground Crew; this is what you have been waiting for.  Join forces, expand your hearts and minds with amazing creations of what the New Earth represents for you, and be open to change on every level, as stagnation is not an option here.  Inner work is required, step out of the distractions that hold you back which are everywhere including the spiritual community, as any focus on polarity in any way is a mighty setback.  Growth and expansion on every level is the NEW EARTH and the NEW YOU!  We support you all in all that you do!  Namaste!

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