Transforming Cellular Imprint – The New Grounding

The New Grounding | Merging Cosmic & Earth (Heaven on Earth)

I was called to do a guided meditation for the purposes of transforming Cellular Imprint, which in turn transforms our body mechanics. Now this is a process that has been on going through the Sun’s energy fields and bombarding Earth. for many years and was truly turned up since 2012! The volume! And we have been working individually on ourselves to allow this energy to be embodied. Now in 2022 the energy is off the charts and will continue, however as we let go of that which does not serve, we go focus on inner work to open our hearts and allow the energy in with ease and grace we position ourselves for a more gentle process. We can utilize these Light codes to reprogram our body, our molecular structure which is in fact Bio-energetic, Bio-chemical and Cosmic. The physicality meets the spirituality! Grounding at a whole new level! It is about darn time I would say! In this meditation we guide the process through the words, light codes and light language all holding new imprinting codes to embody and to transform that which is held as thought forms within the cells, DNA and within the morphogenic field. These thought forms have been taking space and holding old patterning in place. We must reclaim, purify, transform this into new energy, new creation, The New Grounding!

Here is the link for the guided meditation if you feel called to tap into the energy:

Image Credit: The image utilized for The New Grounding Light Code was taken by April Juels along the Southern California Coast.

Transform Body Mechanics

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