Star Unicorn Heart

Unicorn Heart – Christy’s Personal Light Code

This Light Code is my personal light code! I created it a year ago, but never published it on this website. It has been guiding me to bring it forward NOW. You will also see it on my latest Group Gatherings (Star Magicians and Christ Water – Youtube). With these Group Gatherings (energy exchanges, embodiment, anchorage) I am usually guided to create new light codes for them and this year I have been guided to add Light Codes previously created into the mix. It is all energy and it is working together, I have been calling it as of recently, R-TAT-NC (Reconcile | Transform | Activate | Transmit ~ New Creation).

I have found that the Light Codes are building blocks for the energies that which are part of the New Earth, New Creation and my purpose is to create and Anchor them through the Universal Language of Love Light Language.

Even though this is my personal light code it may also have an energetic imprint for you! When you think about it and that we are all connected, we are all Source Light Beings and energetic signatures and if you are open to this then you just might find something here for yourself!!

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